
CBMV: A Coalesced Bidirectional Matching Volume for Disparity Estimation [CBMV]

Submitted on 16 Nov. 2017 05:34 by
Changjiang Cai (Stevens Institute of Technology)

Running time:250 s
Environment:6 cores@3.0Ghz(Python,C/C++,CUDA TitanX)

Method Description:
We generate a matching cost volume leveraging both
data with ground truth and conventional wisdom. We
accomplish this by coalescing diverse evidence from
a bidirectional matching process via random forest
classifiers. We show that the resulting
matching volume estimation method achieves similar
accuracy to purely data-driven alternatives on
benchmarks and that it generalizes to unseen data
much better. For more details, please check our
\pi1=1.1 \pi2=27.0 \sgm_q1=3.0 \sgm_q2=2.0
\alpha=2.0 \tau=0.08 (There is a detailed setup of
the parameters in our paper)
Latex Bibtex:
Author = {Konstantinos Batsos and Changjiang Cai
and Philippos Mordohai},
Title = {CBMV: A Coalesced Bidirectional Matching
Volume for Disparity Estimation},
Year = {2018},
Eprint = {arXiv:1804.01967},

Detailed Results

This page provides detailed results for the method(s) selected. For each of the first 20 test images, the number of erroneous pixels at all thresholds is depicted in the table. Underneath, the left input image, the disparity / end-point error map and the estimated (and interpolated) disparity / optical flow map are shown. The error map scales linearly between 0 (black) and >=5 (white) pixels error. Red denotes all occluded pixels, falling outside the image boundaries. The false color map is scaled to the largest ground truth disparity / flow value.

Test Set Average

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 5.56 % 7.02 % 0.9 px 1.1 px
3 pixels 3.56 % 4.73 % 0.9 px 1.1 px
4 pixels 2.72 % 3.67 % 0.9 px 1.1 px
5 pixels 2.26 % 3.04 % 0.9 px 1.1 px
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Reflective Regions

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 24.01 % 27.57 % 3.7 px 4.4 px
3 pixels 17.10 % 20.70 % 3.7 px 4.4 px
4 pixels 13.61 % 17.01 % 3.7 px 4.4 px
5 pixels 11.48 % 14.68 % 3.7 px 4.4 px
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Test Image 0

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 5.48 % 7.38 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
3 pixels 3.58 % 5.23 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
4 pixels 2.55 % 3.89 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
5 pixels 1.88 % 2.77 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
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Test Image 1

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 4.41 % 7.27 % 0.7 px 0.9 px
3 pixels 2.57 % 4.59 % 0.7 px 0.9 px
4 pixels 2.09 % 3.27 % 0.7 px 0.9 px
5 pixels 1.87 % 2.60 % 0.7 px 0.9 px
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Test Image 2

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 6.27 % 7.46 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
3 pixels 3.77 % 4.54 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
4 pixels 2.27 % 2.74 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
5 pixels 1.54 % 1.87 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
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Test Image 3

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 3.75 % 6.22 % 0.6 px 0.8 px
3 pixels 1.65 % 3.66 % 0.6 px 0.8 px
4 pixels 0.98 % 2.54 % 0.6 px 0.8 px
5 pixels 0.75 % 1.94 % 0.6 px 0.8 px
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Test Image 4

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 3.08 % 4.26 % 0.6 px 0.7 px
3 pixels 1.90 % 2.60 % 0.6 px 0.7 px
4 pixels 1.37 % 1.54 % 0.6 px 0.7 px
5 pixels 1.13 % 1.28 % 0.6 px 0.7 px
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Test Image 5

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 1.77 % 2.10 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
3 pixels 0.97 % 1.22 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
4 pixels 0.78 % 0.93 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
5 pixels 0.67 % 0.80 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
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Test Image 6

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 6.10 % 8.32 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
3 pixels 3.64 % 4.95 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
4 pixels 2.65 % 3.45 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
5 pixels 2.28 % 2.79 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
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Test Image 7

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 6.93 % 9.18 % 1.0 px 1.2 px
3 pixels 3.47 % 5.47 % 1.0 px 1.2 px
4 pixels 2.27 % 3.81 % 1.0 px 1.2 px
5 pixels 1.81 % 2.97 % 1.0 px 1.2 px
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Test Image 8

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 2.30 % 2.74 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
3 pixels 1.18 % 1.63 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
4 pixels 0.86 % 1.32 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
5 pixels 0.76 % 1.20 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
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Test Image 9

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 9.37 % 11.62 % 1.3 px 1.7 px
3 pixels 5.58 % 7.91 % 1.3 px 1.7 px
4 pixels 4.06 % 6.27 % 1.3 px 1.7 px
5 pixels 3.25 % 5.31 % 1.3 px 1.7 px
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Test Image 10

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 3.22 % 4.41 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
3 pixels 1.77 % 2.78 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
4 pixels 1.00 % 1.76 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
5 pixels 0.72 % 1.13 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
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Test Image 11

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 10.27 % 13.42 % 1.6 px 1.7 px
3 pixels 6.38 % 9.23 % 1.6 px 1.7 px
4 pixels 4.74 % 7.08 % 1.6 px 1.7 px
5 pixels 3.59 % 5.29 % 1.6 px 1.7 px
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Test Image 12

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 5.65 % 7.69 % 1.5 px 1.6 px
3 pixels 4.55 % 6.22 % 1.5 px 1.6 px
4 pixels 4.15 % 5.51 % 1.5 px 1.6 px
5 pixels 4.03 % 5.12 % 1.5 px 1.6 px
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Test Image 13

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 6.04 % 7.38 % 1.3 px 1.5 px
3 pixels 4.83 % 6.00 % 1.3 px 1.5 px
4 pixels 4.33 % 5.34 % 1.3 px 1.5 px
5 pixels 3.95 % 4.88 % 1.3 px 1.5 px
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Test Image 14

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 2.72 % 3.26 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
3 pixels 1.15 % 1.37 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
4 pixels 0.74 % 0.83 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
5 pixels 0.59 % 0.58 % 0.5 px 0.5 px
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Test Image 15

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 5.60 % 6.21 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
3 pixels 3.54 % 3.48 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
4 pixels 2.18 % 2.12 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
5 pixels 1.60 % 1.56 % 0.7 px 0.8 px
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Test Image 16

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 3.67 % 3.71 % 0.7 px 0.7 px
3 pixels 1.28 % 1.26 % 0.7 px 0.7 px
4 pixels 0.77 % 0.76 % 0.7 px 0.7 px
5 pixels 0.59 % 0.58 % 0.7 px 0.7 px
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Test Image 17

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 7.14 % 8.09 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
3 pixels 5.48 % 6.13 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
4 pixels 4.52 % 4.83 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
5 pixels 3.68 % 3.89 % 1.0 px 1.1 px
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Test Image 18

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 7.80 % 8.72 % 0.9 px 1.0 px
3 pixels 6.40 % 7.22 % 0.9 px 1.0 px
4 pixels 5.76 % 6.52 % 0.9 px 1.0 px
5 pixels 5.19 % 5.88 % 0.9 px 1.0 px
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Test Image 19

Error Out-Noc Out-All Avg-Noc Avg-All
2 pixels 1.46 % 2.24 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
3 pixels 0.90 % 1.01 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
4 pixels 0.74 % 0.72 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
5 pixels 0.63 % 0.62 % 0.5 px 0.6 px
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