
Here you can: (1) Register for Downloading KITTI-360, and (2) Apply for Submitting to KITTI-360. The second step is optional and is typically conducated at a later point in time. The second step must only be undertaken if a paper is submitted to a conference where the experimental results are ready and the conference has been determined. Applications for submission will be reviewed manually which may take up to one week.

Registration for Download

To register for downloading the KITTI-360 dataset, please enter all infomation including your institutional email address (eg, *.edu) below. You will receive an email with a confirmation link for activating your account within a few minutes. Check your spam folder. Note that you are not allowed to apply for multiple accounts through multiple email addresses. You may only register with a single email address! We will ban you otherwise.

Application for Submission

This step is only required if you want to submit results to the leaderboard. To complete this step, you must be registered and logged in.

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