\begin{tabular}{c | c | c | c | c | c | c | c}
{\bf Method} & {\bf Setting} & {\bf D1-bg} & {\bf D1-fg} & {\bf D1-all} & {\bf Density} & {\bf Runtime} & {\bf Environment}\\ \hline
MonSter & & 1.13 \% & 2.81 \% & 1.41 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.45 s / 1 core & J. Cheng, L. Liu, G. Xu, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Deng, J. Zang, Y. Chen, Z. Cai and X. Yang: MonSter: Marry Monodepth to Stereo
Unleashes Power. 2025.\\
DEFOM-Stereo & & 1.25 \% & 2.23 \% & 1.41 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.30s / 1 core & H. Jiang, Z. Lou, L. Ding, R. Xu, M. Tan, W. Jiang and R. Huang: DEFOM-Stereo: Depth Foundation Model Based
Stereo Matching. arXiv:2501.09466 2025.\\
IGEV++ (DepthAny.) & & 1.15 \% & 2.80 \% & 1.43 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.48 s / & G. Xu, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Cheng, C. Liao and X. Yang: IGEV++: Iterative Multi-range Geometry
Encoding Volumes for Stereo Matching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.00638 2024.\\
StereoBase & & 1.28 \% & 2.26 \% & 1.44 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.29 s / GPU & X. Guo, J. Lu, C. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Duan, T. Yang, Z. Zhu and L. Chen: OpenStereo: A Comprehensive Benchmark for
Stereo Matching and Strong Baseline. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.00343 2023.\\
NMRF-Stereo-SwinT & & 1.20 \% & 2.67 \% & 1.45 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.11 s / & \\
TC-Stereo & & 1.29 \% & 2.33 \% & 1.46 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.09 s / & J. Zeng, C. Yao, Y. Wu and Y. Jia: Temporally Consistent Stereo Matching. European conference on computer
vision 2024.\\
PointerStereo & & 1.31 \% & 2.25 \% & 1.46 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / 1 core & \\
UniTT-Stereo & & 1.27 \% & 2.45 \% & 1.47 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.46 s / 1 core & \\
IMC-Stereo & & 1.33 \% & 2.26 \% & 1.48 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.48 s / 1 core & \\
FFLO-Net & & 1.29 \% & 2.52 \% & 1.49 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.37 s / & \\
GREAT-Selective & & 1.27 \% & 2.62 \% & 1.49 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.43 s / & \\
GREAT-IGEV & & 1.28 \% & 2.59 \% & 1.50 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.33 s / & \\
ST Selective-IGEV & & 1.30 \% & 2.48 \% & 1.50 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.24 s / GPU & \\
ViTAStereo & & 1.21 \% & 2.99 \% & 1.50 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.22 s / & C. Liu, Q. Chen and R. Fan: Playing to Vision Foundation Model's
Strengths in Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Vehicles 2024.\\
UGIA-Selective & & 1.30 \% & 2.57 \% & 1.51 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.15 s / 1 core & \\
GIP-Stereo & & 1.27 \% & 2.73 \% & 1.51 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.39 s / 1 core & \\
IGEV++ & & 1.31 \% & 2.54 \% & 1.51 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.28 s / & G. Xu, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Cheng, C. Liao and X. Yang: IGEV++: Iterative Multi-range Geometry
Encoding Volumes for Stereo Matching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.00638 2024.\\
AEACV & & 1.35 \% & 2.38 \% & 1.52 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.61 s / 1 core & \\
WCG-NET & & 1.35 \% & 2.37 \% & 1.52 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / 1 core & \\
MoCha-V2 & & 1.35 \% & 2.40 \% & 1.52 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.33 s / & Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Li, B. Wang, Y. Zhao and C. Chen: Motif Channel Opened in a White-Box:
Stereo Matching via Motif Correlation Graph. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.12426 2024.Z. Chen, W. Long, H. Yao, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, Y. Qin and J. Wu: MoCha-Stereo: Motif Channel Attention
Network for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition 2024.\\
PANet & & 1.32 \% & 2.58 \% & 1.53 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / 1 core & \\
MoCha-Stereo & & 1.36 \% & 2.43 \% & 1.53 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.34 s / & Z. Chen, W. Long, H. Yao, Y. Zhang, B. Wang, Y. Qin and J. Wu: MoCha-Stereo: Motif Channel Attention
Network for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
MR\_Igev & & 1.35 \% & 2.49 \% & 1.54 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / & \\
BiPFF & & 1.34 \% & 2.57 \% & 1.54 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.20 s / 1 core & \\
DiffuVolume & & 1.35 \% & 2.51 \% & 1.54 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.36 s / GPU & D. Zheng, X. Wu, Z. Liu, J. Meng and W. Zheng: DiffuVolume: Diffusion Model for Volume
based Stereo Matching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.15989 2023.\\
GANet+ADL & & 1.38 \% & 2.38 \% & 1.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.67s / & P. Xu, Z. Xiang, C. Qiao, J. Fu and T. Pu: Adaptive Multi-Modal Cross-Entropy Loss for
Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
Selective-IGEV & & 1.33 \% & 2.61 \% & 1.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.24 s / 1 core & X. Wang, G. Xu, H. Jia and X. Yang: Selective-Stereo: Adaptive Frequency
Information Selection for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
MIF-Stereo & & 1.36 \% & 2.51 \% & 1.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.46 s / & \\
MC-Stereo & & 1.36 \% & 2.51 \% & 1.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.40 s / GPU & M. Feng, J. Cheng, H. Jia, L. Liu, G. Xu and X. Yang: MC-Stereo: Multi-peak Lookup and Cascade
Search Range for Stereo Matching. International Conference on 3D Vision
(3DV) 2024.\\
SR Stereo\_32\_update & & 1.37 \% & 2.49 \% & 1.56 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & W. Xiao and W. Zhao: Stepwise Regression and Pre-trained Edge for
Robust Stereo Matching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.06953 2024.\\
UGIA-IGEV & & 1.38 \% & 2.47 \% & 1.56 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.15 s / 1 core & \\
IGEVStereo-DCA & & 1.40 \% & 2.39 \% & 1.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / 1 core & \\
HART & & 1.39 \% & 2.49 \% & 1.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.25 s / & Z. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Li, B. Wang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhao and C. Chen: Hadamard Attention Recurrent Transformer:
A Strong Baseline for Stereo Matching Transformer. arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.01023 2025.\\
MaDis-Stereo & & 1.42 \% & 2.31 \% & 1.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.94 s / & \\
DMIO & & 1.34 \% & 2.74 \% & 1.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / 1 core & Y. Shi: Rethinking Iterative Stereo Matching from
Diffusion Bridge Model Perspective. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.09051 2024.\\
middle stereo & & 1.34 \% & 2.76 \% & 1.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4 s / 1 core & \\
NMRF-Stereo & & 1.28 \% & 3.07 \% & 1.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.09 s / & T. Guan, C. Wang and Y. Liu: Neural Markov Random Field for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024.\\
SPRNet & & 1.43 \% & 2.32 \% & 1.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 3 s / 1 core & \\
Mono2Stereo (IGEV) & & 1.36 \% & 2.67 \% & 1.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / 1 core & \\
testnet & & 1.38 \% & 2.59 \% & 1.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & \\
fds & & 1.37 \% & 2.66 \% & 1.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / 1 core & \\
SG-IGEV & & 1.40 \% & 2.50 \% & 1.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & B. Pan, j. jiao, B. Yao, J. Pang and J. Cheng: The Sampling-Gaussian for stereo
matching. 2024.\\
OpenStereo-IGEV & & 1.44 \% & 2.31 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / & X. Guo, J. Lu, C. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Duan, T. Yang, Z. Zhu and L. Chen: OpenStereo: A Comprehensive Benchmark for
Stereo Matching and Strong Baseline. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.00343 2023.\\
ICGNet-abl & & 1.38 \% & 2.64 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & \\
MA-Stereo & & 1.38 \% & 2.66 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.06 s / GPU & \\
RAFT-3D (CroCo) & fl & 1.38 \% & 2.65 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.5 s / GPU & \\
CroCo-Stereo & & 1.38 \% & 2.65 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.93s / & P. Weinzaepfel, T. Lucas, V. Leroy, Y. Cabon, V. Arora, R. Br\'egier, G. Csurka, L. Antsfeld, B. Chidlovskii and J. Revaud: CroCo v2: Improved Cross-view Completion
Pre-training for Stereo Matching and Optical Flow. ICCV 2023.\\
MS-RAFT-3D & fl & 1.38 \% & 2.65 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 3 s / GPU & \\
IGEV-Stereo & & 1.38 \% & 2.67 \% & 1.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / & G. Xu, X. Wang, X. Ding and X. Yang: Iterative Geometry Encoding Volume for
Stereo Matching. CVPR 2023.\\
DN+ACVNet & & 1.32 \% & 2.95 \% & 1.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.24 s / 1 core & J. Zhang, L. Huang, X. Bai, J. Zheng, L. Gu and E. Hancock: Exploring the Usage of Pre-trained
Features for Stereo Matching. International Journal of Computer
Vision 2024.\\
AMSCF-Net & & 1.32 \% & 2.98 \% & 1.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / GPU & \\
SR-Stereo\_step15\_par & & 1.36 \% & 2.79 \% & 1.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.10 s / 1 core & \\
EGLCR-Stereo & & 1.38 \% & 2.71 \% & 1.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.45 s / 1 core & \\
RetinaStereo & & 1.44 \% & 2.43 \% & 1.61 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.25 s / 1 core & \\
TEEV\_ & & 1.44 \% & 2.46 \% & 1.61 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.44 s / 1 core & \\
ACVNet-DCA & & 1.41 \% & 2.61 \% & 1.61 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / 1 core & \\
UPFNet & & 1.38 \% & 2.85 \% & 1.62 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.25 s / 1 core & Q. Chen, B. Ge and J. Quan: Unambiguous Pyramid Cost Volumes Fusion
for Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems for Video Technology 2023.\\
IGEV\_MR & & 1.42 \% & 2.66 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / GPU & \\
RAFT-SFFRU & & 1.42 \% & 2.65 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4 s / 1 core & \\
Selective-RAFT & & 1.41 \% & 2.71 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.45 s / 1 core & X. Wang, G. Xu, H. Jia and X. Yang: Selective-Stereo: Adaptive Frequency
Information Selection for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
xcit-stereo & & 1.36 \% & 2.97 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.44 s / 1 core & \\
gaussi & & 1.51 \% & 2.24 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / 1 core & \\
DEFOM-Stereo\_RVC & & 1.42 \% & 2.68 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.24 s / 1 core & H. Jiang, Z. Lou, L. Ding, R. Xu, M. Tan, W. Jiang and R. Huang: DEFOM-Stereo: Depth Foundation Model
Based Stereo Matching. arXiv:2501.09466 2025.\\
DKT-SMoE & & 1.47 \% & 2.44 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.19 s / 1 core & \\
GeoNet & & 1.40 \% & 2.80 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & \\
NMRF-light & & 1.30 \% & 3.29 \% & 1.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / 1 core & \\
GAStereo & & 1.43 \% & 2.68 \% & 1.64 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / 1 core & \\
IGEVStereo-DU & & 1.43 \% & 2.68 \% & 1.64 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.08 s / 1 core & \\
ADBM & & 1.45 \% & 2.61 \% & 1.64 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4 s / 1 core & \\
Stereo+ & & 1.33 \% & 3.24 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / 1 core & \\
raft-y & & 1.44 \% & 2.67 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.07 s / 1 core & \\
M-FUSE & fl mv & 1.40 \% & 2.91 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.3 s / & L. Mehl, A. Jahedi, J. Schmalfuss and A. Bruhn: M-FUSE: Multi-frame Fusion for Scene Flow Estimation. Proc. Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023.\\
SF2SE3 & fl & 1.40 \% & 2.91 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 2.7 s / GPU & L. Sommer, P. Schröppel and T. Brox: SF2SE3: Clustering Scene Flow into SE (3)-Motions via Proposal and Selection. DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2022.\\
LEAStereo & & 1.40 \% & 2.91 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.30 s / GPU & X. Cheng, Y. Zhong, M. Harandi, Y. Dai, X. Chang, H. Li, T. Drummond and Z. Ge: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search
for Deep Stereo Matching. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 2020.\\
LoS & & 1.42 \% & 2.81 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.19 s / 1 core & K. Li, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, K. Xue, S. Zhou and Y. Guo: LoS: Local Structure Guided Stereo
Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
ACVNet & & 1.37 \% & 3.07 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / & G. Xu, J. Cheng, P. Guo and X. Yang: Attention Concatenation Volume for
Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching. CVPR 2022.\\
Toi Depth & & 1.35 \% & 3.20 \% & 1.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 8 cores & \\
croco & & 1.40 \% & 2.97 \% & 1.66 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.93 s / 1 core & \\
sam & & 1.48 \% & 2.57 \% & 1.66 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / 1 core & \\
PCWNet & & 1.37 \% & 3.16 \% & 1.67 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.44 s / 1 core & Z. Shen, Y. Dai, X. Song, Z. Rao, D. Zhou and L. Zhang: PCW-Net: Pyramid Combination and Warping
Cost Volume for Stereo Matching. European Conference on Computer
Vision(ECCV) 2022.\\
LaC+GANet & & 1.44 \% & 2.83 \% & 1.67 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.8 s / GPU & B. Liu, H. Yu and Y. Long: Local Similarity Pattern and Cost Self-
Reassembling for Deep Stereo Matching Networks. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence 2022.\\
Sn-stereo & & 1.44 \% & 2.87 \% & 1.68 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.35 s / 1 core & \\
CREStereo & & 1.45 \% & 2.86 \% & 1.69 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.41 s / GPU & J. Li, P. Wang, P. Xiong, T. Cai, Z. Yan, L. Yang, J. Liu, H. Fan and S. Liu: Practical Stereo Matching via
Cascaded Recurrent Network with Adaptive
Correlation. 2022.\\
ESM\_Net & & 1.37 \% & 3.30 \% & 1.69 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / 1 core & ERROR: Wrong syntax in BIBTEX file.\\
DuMa-Net & & 1.40 \% & 3.18 \% & 1.70 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.38 s / & S. Sun, R. liu and S. Sun: Range-free disparity estimation with self-
adaptive dual-matching. IET Computer Vision .\\
samstereo & & 1.52 \% & 2.59 \% & 1.70 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.44 s / 1 core & \\
Reg-Stereo & & 1.46 \% & 2.92 \% & 1.70 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.37 s / 4 cores & \\
Wpa & & 1.52 \% & 2.68 \% & 1.71 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / 1 core & \\
AEACV (RAFT-based) & & 1.52 \% & 2.72 \% & 1.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.41 s / 1 core & \\
DKT-IGEV & & 1.46 \% & 3.05 \% & 1.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & J. Zhang, J. Li, L. Huang, X. Yu, L. Gu, J. Zheng and X. Bai: Robust Synthetic-to-Real Transfer for
Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
GINet+ANE filter & & 1.45 \% & 3.07 \% & 1.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.11 s / 4 cores & \\
ls & & 1.53 \% & 2.69 \% & 1.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.32 s / 1 core & \\
zero-Stereo & & 1.49 \% & 2.93 \% & 1.73 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.37 s / 1 core & \\
SMoEStereo\_RVC & & 1.50 \% & 2.88 \% & 1.73 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.19 s / GPU & \\
Patchmatch Stereo++ & & 1.55 \% & 2.71 \% & 1.74 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.2 s / & W. Ren, Q. Liao, Z. Shao, X. Lin, X. Yue, Y. Zhang and Z. Lu: Patchmatch Stereo++: Patchmatch Binocular
Stereo with Continuous Disparity Optimization. Proceedings of the 31st ACM
International Conference on Multimedia 2023.\\
CSPN & & 1.51 \% & 2.88 \% & 1.74 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.0 s / GPU & X. Cheng, P. Wang and R. Yang: Learning Depth with Convolutional Spatial
Propagation Network. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence(T-PAMI) 2019.\\
4D-IteraStereo & & 1.60 \% & 2.48 \% & 1.75 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / GPU & \\
TEEV1 & & 1.52 \% & 2.98 \% & 1.76 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.32 s / 2 cores & \\
LaC+GwcNet & & 1.43 \% & 3.44 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0. 65 s / GPU & B. Liu, H. Yu and Y. Long: Local Similarity Pattern and Cost Self-
Reassembling for Deep Stereo Matching Networks. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence 2022.\\
GMStereo & & 1.49 \% & 3.14 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.17 s / & H. Xu, J. Zhang, J. Cai, H. Rezatofighi, F. Yu, D. Tao and A. Geiger: Unifying Flow, Stereo and Depth
Estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.05783 2022.\\
BANet-3D & & 1.52 \% & 3.02 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / 1 core & \\
NLCA-Net v2 & & 1.41 \% & 3.56 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.67 s / GPU & Z. Rao, D. Yuchao, S. Zhelun and H. Renjie: Rethinking Training Strategy in
LightStereo & & 1.66 \% & 2.32 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / GPU & \\
GHUStereo-4-nce & & 1.48 \% & 3.21 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.034 s / & \\
GANet+DSMNet & & 1.48 \% & 3.23 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 2.0 s / GPU & F. Zhang, X. Qi, R. Yang, V. Prisacariu, B. Wah and P. Torr: Domain-invariant Stereo Matching
Networks. Europe Conference on Computer Vision
(ECCV) 2020.\\
ClearDepth & & 1.58 \% & 2.74 \% & 1.77 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.47 s / GPU & \\
IVF-Astereo & & 1.62 \% & 2.56 \% & 1.78 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.15 s / GPU & \\
PFSMNet & & 1.54 \% & 3.02 \% & 1.79 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.31 s / 1 core & K. Zeng, Y. Wang, Q. Zhu, J. Mao and H. Zhang: Deep Progressive Fusion Stereo Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems 2021.\\
RT-IGEV++ & & 1.48 \% & 3.37 \% & 1.79 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / 1 core & G. Xu, X. Wang, Z. Zhang, J. Cheng, C. Liao and X. Yang: IGEV++: Iterative Multi-range Geometry
Encoding Volumes for Stereo Matching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.00638 2024.\\
SUW-Stereo & & 1.47 \% & 3.45 \% & 1.80 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.8 s / 1 core & H. Ren, A. Raj, M. El-Khamy and J. Lee: SUW-Learn: Joint Supervised,
Unsupervised, Weakly Supervised Deep Learning for
Monocular Depth Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition Workshops 2020.\\
FGDS-Net & & 1.47 \% & 3.53 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / 1 core & \\
TemporalStereo & mv & 1.61 \% & 2.78 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.04 s / 1 core & Y. Zhang, M. Poggi and S. Mattoccia: TemporalStereo: Efficient
Spatial-Temporal Stereo Matching Network. IROS 2023.\\
Binary TTC & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 2 s / GPU & A. Badki, O. Gallo, J. Kautz and P. Sen: Binary TTC: A Temporal Geofence for Autonomous
Navigation. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR) 2021.\\
MonoFusion & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.7 s / GPU & \\
ISDAFlow & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & \\
FP-TTC & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.15 s / 1 core & \\
ScaleFlow++RBO & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & \\
ScaleFlow++\_SAG & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / GPU & \\
CamLiRAFT & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / GPU & H. Liu, T. Lu, Y. Xu, J. Liu and L. Wang: Learning Optical Flow and Scene Flow
with Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion. TPAMI 2023.\\
GS58\_ScaleRES & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & \\
Scale-flow & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.8 s / GPU & H. Ling, Q. Sun, Z. Ren, Y. Liu, H. Wang and Z. Wang: Scale-flow: Estimating 3D Motion from
Video. Proceedings of the 30th ACM
International Conference on Multimedia 2022.\\
ScaleFlow++ & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & \\
GS\_ScaleFlow & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & \\
PAFlow & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.53 s / 1 core & \\
CamLiRAFT-NR & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / GPU & H. Liu, T. Lu, Y. Xu, J. Liu and L. Wang: Learning Optical Flow and Scene Flow
with Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion. arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12017 2023.\\
RAFT-3D & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 2 s / GPU & Z. Teed and J. Deng: RAFT-3D: Scene Flow using Rigid-Motion
Embeddings. arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.00726 2020.\\
OAMaskFlow & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / 1 core & \\
ADFactory & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & H. Ling, Q. Sun, Y. Sun, X. Xu and X. Li: ADFactory: An Effective Framework for
Generalizing Optical Flow with NeRF. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024.\\
GS58\_Scale & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / 1 core & \\
GANet-deep & & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.8 s / GPU & F. Zhang, V. Prisacariu, R. Yang and P. Torr: GA-Net: Guided Aggregation Net for
End-to-end Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR) 2019.\\
CamLiFlow & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.2 s / GPU & H. Liu, T. Lu, Y. Xu, J. Liu, W. Li and L. Chen: CamLiFlow: Bidirectional Camera-LiDAR Fusion for Joint
Optical Flow and Scene Flow Estimation. CVPR 2022.\\
Stereo expansion & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 2 s / GPU & G. Yang and D. Ramanan: Upgrading Optical Flow to 3D Scene Flow
through Optical Expansion. CVPR 2020.\\
ISDAFlow+ SAGFt & fl & 1.48 \% & 3.46 \% & 1.81 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / 1 core & \\
AIO-Stereo & & 1.63 \% & 2.72 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.23 s / 1 core & \\
Sn-Stereo & & 1.66 \% & 2.63 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.35 s / GPU & \\
ADStereo & & 1.59 \% & 2.94 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / 1 core & \\
LightStereo-L* & & 1.60 \% & 2.92 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / 1 core & X. Guo, C. Zhang, D. Nie, W. Zheng, Y. Zhang and L. Chen: LightStereo: Channel Boost Is All Your Need
for Efficient 2D Cost Aggregation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19833 2024.\\
ESMStereo-L-gwc & & 1.43 \% & 3.80 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.026 s / & \\
OptStereo & & 1.50 \% & 3.43 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.10 s / GPU & H. Wang, R. Fan, P. Cai and M. Liu: PVStereo: Pyramid voting module for
end-to-end self-supervised stereo matching. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2021.\\
tt-Stereo & & 1.64 \% & 2.75 \% & 1.82 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.23 s / 1 core & \\
BANet-2D & & 1.59 \% & 3.03 \% & 1.83 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / 1 core & \\
LoS\_RVC & & 1.58 \% & 3.08 \% & 1.83 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.19 s / 1 core & K. Li, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, K. Xue, S. Zhou and Y. Guo: LoS: Local Structure Guided Stereo
Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024.\\
NLCA-Net-3 & & 1.45 \% & 3.78 \% & 1.83 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.44 s / >8 cores & Z. Rao, M. He, Y. Dai, Z. Zhu, B. Li and R. He: NLCA-Net: a non-local context attention
network for stereo matching. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and
Information Processing 2020.\\
AMNet & & 1.53 \% & 3.43 \% & 1.84 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.9 s / GPU & X. Du, M. El-Khamy and J. Lee: AMNet: Deep Atrous Multiscale Stereo
Disparity Estimation Networks. 2019.\\
HCR & & 1.51 \% & 3.51 \% & 1.85 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.19 s / GPU & Y. Tuming Yuan: Hourglass cascaded recurrent stereo
matching network. Image and Vision computing 2024.\\
GHUStereo-4-gwce & & 1.50 \% & 3.64 \% & 1.85 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.036 s / & \\
ADStereo\_fast & & 1.57 \% & 3.25 \% & 1.85 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / 1 core & \\
UCFNet\_RVC & & 1.57 \% & 3.33 \% & 1.86 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.21 s / GPU & Z. Shen, X. Song, Y. Dai, D. Zhou, Z. Rao and L. Zhang: Digging Into Uncertainty-Based Pseudo-
Label for Robust Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence 2023.\\
CFNet & & 1.54 \% & 3.56 \% & 1.88 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & Z. Shen, Y. Dai and Z. Rao: CFNet: Cascade and Fused Cost Volume for
Robust Stereo Matching. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021.Z. Shen, X. Song, Y. Dai, D. Zhou, Z. Rao and L. Zhang: Digging Into Uncertainty-Based Pseudo-
Label for Robust Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence 2023.\\
RTSN & & 1.62 \% & 3.21 \% & 1.88 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.029 s / 1 core & \\
G2L-Stereo & & 1.64 \% & 3.07 \% & 1.88 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / GPU & \\
RigidMask+ISF & fl & 1.53 \% & 3.65 \% & 1.89 \% & 100.00 \% & 3.3 s / GPU & G. Yang and D. Ramanan: Learning to Segment Rigid Motions from Two
Frames. CVPR 2021.\\
DCVSMNet & & 1.60 \% & 3.33 \% & 1.89 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.07 s / GPU & M. Tahmasebi, S. Huq, K. Meehan and M. McAfee: DCVSMNet: Double Cost Volume Stereo Matching Network. 2024.\\
AcfNet & & 1.51 \% & 3.80 \% & 1.89 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.48 s / GPU & Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Bai, S. Yu, K. Yu, Z. Li and K. Yang: Adaptive Unimodal Cost Volume Filtering for Deep
Stereo Matching. AAAI 2020.\\
RSAstereo & & 1.58 \% & 3.50 \% & 1.90 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / 1 core & \\
DualNet* & & 1.63 \% & 3.36 \% & 1.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.17 s / 1 core & \\
NLCA\_NET\_v2\_RVC & & 1.51 \% & 3.97 \% & 1.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.67 s / GPU & Z. Rao, M. He, Y. Dai, Z. Zhu, B. Li and R. He: NLCA-Net: a non-local context attention
network for stereo matching. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and
Information Processing 2020.\\
CDN & & 1.66 \% & 3.20 \% & 1.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4 s / GPU & D. Garg, Y. Wang, B. Hariharan, M. Campbell, K. Weinberger and W. Chao: Wasserstein Distances for Stereo Disparity
Estimation. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 2020.\\
Abc-Net & & 1.47 \% & 4.20 \% & 1.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.83 s / 4 core & X. Li, Y. Fan, G. Lv and H. Ma: Area-based correlation and non-local
attention network for stereo matching. The Visual Computer 2021.\\
LightStereo-L & & 1.78 \% & 2.64 \% & 1.93 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / 1 core & X. Guo, C. Zhang, D. Nie, W. Zheng, Y. Zhang and L. Chen: LightStereo: Channel Boost Is All Your Need
for Efficient 2D Cost Aggregation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19833 2024.\\
GANet-15 & & 1.55 \% & 3.82 \% & 1.93 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.36 s / & F. Zhang, V. Prisacariu, R. Yang and P. Torr: GA-Net: Guided Aggregation Net for
End-to-end Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR) 2019.\\
PCVNet & & 1.68 \% & 3.19 \% & 1.93 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / GPU & J. Zeng, C. Yao, L. Yu, Y. Wu and Y. Jia: Parameterized Cost Volume for Stereo
Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
International Conference on Computer Vision 2023.\\
CAL-Net & & 1.59 \% & 3.76 \% & 1.95 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.44 s / 2 cores & S. Chen, B. Li, W. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Li and Z. Wang: Cost Affinity Learning Network for
Stereo Matching. IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
ICASSP 2021, Toronto, ON, Canada,
June 6-11, 2021 2021.\\
CCAStereo & & 1.58 \% & 3.81 \% & 1.95 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / GPU & \\
TCMNet & & 1.68 \% & 3.33 \% & 1.95 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / & \\
NLCA-Net & & 1.53 \% & 4.09 \% & 1.96 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.6 s / 1 core & Z. Rao, M. He, Y. Dai, Z. Zhu, B. Li and R. He: NLCA-Net: a non-local context attention
network for stereo matching. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and
Information Processing 2020.\\
CFNet\_RVC & & 1.65 \% & 3.53 \% & 1.96 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.22 s / GPU & Z. Shen, Y. Dai and Z. Rao: CFNet: Cascade and Fused Cost Volume for
Robust Stereo Matching. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021.Z. Shen, X. Song, Y. Dai, D. Zhou, Z. Rao and L. Zhang: Digging Into Uncertainty-Based Pseudo-
Label for Robust Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence 2023.\\
PGNet & & 1.64 \% & 3.60 \% & 1.96 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.7 s / 1 core & S. Chen, Z. Xiang, C. Qiao, Y. Chen and T. Bai: PGNet: Panoptic parsing guided deep stereo
matching. Neurocomputing 2021.\\
SG-MSNet3D & & 1.61 \% & 3.81 \% & 1.98 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & B. Pan, j. jiao, B. Yao, J. Pang and J. Cheng: The Sampling-Gaussian for stereo matching. 2024.\\
HITNet & & 1.74 \% & 3.20 \% & 1.98 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & V. Tankovich, C. Häne, Y. Zhang, A. Kowdle, S. Fanello and S. Bouaziz: HITNet: Hierarchical Iterative Tile
Refinement Network for Real-time Stereo
Matching. CVPR 2021.\\
SGNet & & 1.63 \% & 3.76 \% & 1.99 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.6 s / 1 core & S. Chen, Z. Xiang, C. Qiao, Y. Chen and T. Bai: SGNet: Semantics Guided Deep Stereo
Matching. Proceedings of the Asian Conference
on Computer Vision (ACCV) 2020.\\
CSN & & 1.59 \% & 4.03 \% & 2.00 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.6 s / 1 core & X. Gu, Z. Fan, S. Zhu, Z. Dai, F. Tan and P. Tan: Cascade cost volume for high-resolution
multi-view stereo and stereo matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition 2020.\\
SG-PSMnet & & 1.77 \% & 3.13 \% & 2.00 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & B. Pan, j. jiao, B. Yao, J. Pang and J. Cheng: The Sampling-Gaussian for stereo
matching. 2024.\\
Fast-ACVNet+ & & 1.70 \% & 3.53 \% & 2.01 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / & G. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Cheng, J. Tang and X. Yang: Accurate and efficient stereo matching
via attention concatenation volume. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence 2023.\\
CoEx & & 1.74 \% & 3.41 \% & 2.02 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.027 s / & A. Bangunharcana, J. Cho, S. Lee, I. Kweon, K. Kim and S. Kim: Correlate-and-Excite: Real-Time Stereo Matching via Guided Cost Volume Excitation. 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2021.\\
HD^3-Stereo & & 1.70 \% & 3.63 \% & 2.02 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.14 s / & Z. Yin, T. Darrell and F. Yu: Hierarchical Discrete Distribution Decomposition
for Match Density Estimation. CVPR 2019.\\
SCV-Stereo & & 1.67 \% & 3.78 \% & 2.02 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.08 s / GPU & H. Wang, R. Fan and M. Liu: SCV-Stereo: Learning stereo
matching from a sparse cost volume. 2021 IEEE International Conference
on Image Processing (ICIP) 2021.\\
AANet+ & & 1.65 \% & 3.96 \% & 2.03 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.06 s / & H. Xu and J. Zhang: AANet: Adaptive Aggregation Network
for Efficient Stereo Matching. CVPR 2020.\\
LightStereo-M & & 1.81 \% & 3.22 \% & 2.04 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / 1 core & X. Guo, C. Zhang, D. Nie, W. Zheng, Y. Zhang and L. Chen: LightStereo: Channel Boost Is All Your Need
for Efficient 2D Cost Aggregation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19833 2024.\\
LR-PSMNet & & 1.65 \% & 4.13 \% & 2.06 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / GPU & W. Chuah, R. Tennakoon, R. Hoseinnezhad, A. Bab-Hadiashar and D. Suter: Adjusting Bias in Long Range Stereo
Matching: A semantics guided approach. 2020.\\
iRaftStereo\_RVC & & 1.88 \% & 3.03 \% & 2.07 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / GPU & H. Jiang, R. Xu and W. Jiang: An Improved RaftStereo Trained with A
Mixed Dataset for the Robust Vision Challenge
2022. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.12785 2022.\\
PSM + SMD-Nets & & 1.69 \% & 4.01 \% & 2.08 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.41 s / 1 core & F. Tosi, Y. Liao, C. Schmitt and A. Geiger: SMD-Nets: Stereo Mixture Density Networks. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021.\\
MDCNet & & 1.76 \% & 3.68 \% & 2.08 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / 1 core & W. Chen, X. Jia, M. Wu and Z. Liang: Multi-Dimensional Cooperative Network for
Stereo Matching. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2022.\\
EdgeStereo-V2 & & 1.84 \% & 3.30 \% & 2.08 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.32s / & X. Song, X. Zhao, L. Fang, H. Hu and Y. Yu: Edgestereo: An effective multi-task
learning network for stereo matching and edge
detection. International Journal of Computer
Vision (IJCV) 2019.\\
SG-GwcNet-g & & 1.73 \% & 3.88 \% & 2.09 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & B. Pan, j. jiao, B. Yao, J. Pang and J. Cheng: The Sampling-Gaussian for stereo matching. 2024.\\
3D-MSNet / MSNet3D & & 1.75 \% & 3.87 \% & 2.10 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.5s / & F. Shamsafar, S. Woerz, R. Rahim and A. Zell: MobileStereoNet: Towards Lightweight Deep
Networks for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter
Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2022.\\
GwcNet-g & & 1.74 \% & 3.93 \% & 2.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.32 s / GPU & X. Guo, K. Yang, W. Yang, X. Wang and H. Li: Group-wise correlation stereo network. CVPR 2019.\\
SSPCVNet & & 1.75 \% & 3.89 \% & 2.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.9 s / 1 core & Z. Wu, X. Wu, X. Zhang, S. Wang and L. Ju: Semantic Stereo Matching With Pyramid Cost
Volumes. The IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019.\\
GHUStereo-8-gwce & & 1.88 \% & 3.34 \% & 2.12 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.021 s / & \\
WSMCnet & & 1.72 \% & 4.19 \% & 2.13 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.39s / & Y. Wang, H. Wang, G. Yu, M. Yang, Y. Yuan and J. Quan: Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network. Acta Optica Sinica 2019.\\
HSM-1.8x & & 1.80 \% & 3.85 \% & 2.14 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.14 s / & G. Yang, J. Manela, M. Happold and D. Ramanan: Hierarchical Deep Stereo Matching on High-
Resolution Images. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019.\\
DeepPruner (best) & & 1.87 \% & 3.56 \% & 2.15 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.18 s / 1 core & S. Duggal, S. Wang, W. Ma, R. Hu and R. Urtasun: DeepPruner: Learning Efficient Stereo Matching
via Differentiable PatchMatch. ICCV 2019.\\
Stereo-fusion-SJTU & & 1.87 \% & 3.61 \% & 2.16 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.7 s / & X. Song, X. Zhao, H. Hu and L. Fang: EdgeStereo: A Context Integrated Residual
Pyramid Network for Stereo Matching. Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2018.\\
MCVFNet & & 1.82 \% & 3.94 \% & 2.18 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.029 s / & \\
AutoDispNet-CSS & & 1.94 \% & 3.37 \% & 2.18 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.9 s / 1 core & T. Saikia, Y. Marrakchi, A. Zela, F. Hutter and T. Brox: AutoDispNet: Improving Disparity
Estimation with AutoML. The IEEE International Conference
on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019.\\
BGNet+ & & 1.81 \% & 4.09 \% & 2.19 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / GPU & B. Xu, Y. Xu, X. Yang, W. Jia and Y. Guo: Bilateral Grid Learning for Stereo Matching
Network. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021.\\
Bi3D & & 1.95 \% & 3.48 \% & 2.21 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.48 s / GPU & A. Badki, A. Troccoli, K. Kim, J. Kautz, P. Sen and O. Gallo: Bi3D: Stereo Depth Estimation via Binary Classifications. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.\\
Q & & 1.84 \% & 4.05 \% & 2.21 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & \\
dh & & 1.86 \% & 4.01 \% & 2.22 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.9 s / 1 core & F. Zhang, V. Prisacariu, R. Yang and P. Torr: GA-Net: Guided Aggregation Net for
End-to-end Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(CVPR) 2019.\\
SENSE & fl & 2.07 \% & 3.01 \% & 2.22 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.32s / & H. Jiang, D. Sun, V. Jampani, Z. Lv, E. Learned-Miller and J. Kautz: SENSE: A Shared Encoder Network for Scene-Flow
Estimation. The IEEE International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV) 2019.\\
GHUStereo-8-nce & & 1.92 \% & 3.79 \% & 2.23 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.019 s / & \\
SegStereo & & 1.88 \% & 4.07 \% & 2.25 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.6 s / & G. Yang, H. Zhao, J. Shi, Z. Deng and J. Jia: SegStereo: Exploiting Semantic
Information for Disparity Estimation. ECCV 2018.\\
DTF\_SENSE & fl mv & 2.08 \% & 3.13 \% & 2.25 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.76 s / 1 core & R. Schuster, C. Unger and D. Stricker: A Deep Temporal Fusion Framework for Scene Flow Using a Learnable Motion Model and Occlusions. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2021.\\
OpenStereo-PSMNet & & 1.80 \% & 4.58 \% & 2.26 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.21 s / & X. Guo, J. Lu, C. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Duan, T. Yang, Z. Zhu and L. Chen: OpenStereo: A Comprehensive Benchmark for
Stereo Matching and Strong Baseline. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.00343 2023.\\
MCV-MFC & & 1.95 \% & 3.84 \% & 2.27 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.35 s / 1 core & Z. Liang, Y. Guo, Y. Feng, W. Chen, L. Qiao, L. Zhou, J. Zhang and H. Liu: Stereo Matching Using Multi-level Cost Volume and Multi-scale Feature Constancy. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 2019.\\
HSM-1.5x & & 1.95 \% & 3.93 \% & 2.28 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.085 s / & G. Yang, J. Manela, M. Happold and D. Ramanan: Hierarchical Deep Stereo Matching on
Resolution Images. The IEEE Conference on Computer
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019.\\
SG-MSNet2D & & 1.94 \% & 4.07 \% & 2.29 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & B. Pan, j. jiao, B. Yao, J. Pang and J. Cheng: The Sampling-Gaussian for stereo matching. 2024.\\
LightStereo-S & & 2.00 \% & 3.80 \% & 2.30 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / 1 core & X. Guo, C. Zhang, D. Nie, W. Zheng, Y. Zhang and L. Chen: LightStereo: Channel Boost Is All Your Need
for Efficient 2D Cost Aggregation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19833 2024.\\
Separable Convs & & 1.90 \% & 4.36 \% & 2.31 \% & 100.00 \% & 2 s / 1 core & R. Rahim, F. Shamsafar and A. Zell: Separable Convolutions for Optimizing 3D Stereo Networks. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2021.\\
Separable Convs & & 1.90 \% & 4.36 \% & 2.31 \% & 100.00 \% & 2 s / 1 core & R. Rahim, F. Shamsafar and A. Zell: Separable Convolutions for Optimizing 3D Stereo Networks. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2021.\\
CFP-Net & & 1.90 \% & 4.39 \% & 2.31 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.9 s / 8 cores & Z. Zhu, M. He, Y. Dai, Z. Rao and B. Li: Multi-scale Cross-form Pyramid Network for Stereo Matching. arXiv preprint 2019.\\
PSMNet & & 1.86 \% & 4.62 \% & 2.32 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.41 s / & J. Chang and Y. Chen: Pyramid Stereo Matching Network. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.08669 2018.\\
GANetREF\_RVC & & 1.88 \% & 4.58 \% & 2.33 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.62 s / GPU & F. Zhang, V. Prisacariu, R. Yang and P. Torr: GA-Net: Guided Aggregation Net for End-
to-end Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019.\\
TriStereoNet & & 1.86 \% & 4.77 \% & 2.35 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / & F. Shamsafar and A. Zell: TriStereoNet: A Trinocular Framework for
Multi-baseline Disparity Estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.12502 2021.\\
GhostStereoNet & & 2.07 \% & 4.00 \% & 2.39 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.04 s / GPU & \\
MABNet\_origin & & 1.89 \% & 5.02 \% & 2.41 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.38 s / & J. Xing, Z. Qi, J. Dong, J. Cai and H. Liu: MABNet: A Lightweight Stereo Network
Based on Multibranch Adjustable Bottleneck
Module. .\\
ERSCNet & & 2.11 \% & 4.46 \% & 2.50 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.28 s / GPU & Anonymous: ERSCNet. Proceedings of the European
Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020.\\
BGNet & & 2.07 \% & 4.74 \% & 2.51 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & B. Xu, Y. Xu, X. Yang, W. Jia and Y. Guo: Bilateral Grid Learning for Stereo
Matching Network. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2021.\\
UberATG-DRISF & fl & 2.16 \% & 4.49 \% & 2.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.75 s / CPU+GPU & W. Ma, S. Wang, R. Hu, Y. Xiong and R. Urtasun: Deep Rigid Instance Scene Flow. CVPR 2019.\\
AANet & & 1.99 \% & 5.39 \% & 2.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.062 s / & H. Xu and J. Zhang: AANet: Adaptive Aggregation Network
for Efficient Stereo Matching. CVPR 2020.\\
PDSNet & & 2.29 \% & 4.05 \% & 2.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / 1 core & S. Tulyakov, A. Ivanov and F. Fleuret: Practical Deep Stereo (PDS): Toward
applications-friendly deep stereo matching. Proceedings of the international conference
on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2018.\\
DeepPruner (fast) & & 2.32 \% & 3.91 \% & 2.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.06 s / 1 core & S. Duggal, S. Wang, W. Ma, R. Hu and R. Urtasun: DeepPruner: Learning Efficient Stereo Matching
via Differentiable PatchMatch. ICCV 2019.\\
FADNet & & 2.50 \% & 3.10 \% & 2.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / & Q. Wang, S. Shi, S. Zheng, K. Zhao and X. Chu: FADNet: A Fast and Accurate Network
for Disparity Estimation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10758 2020.\\
LI-ACVNet & & 2.20 \% & 4.59 \% & 2.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.14 s / GPU & \\
MMStereo & & 2.25 \% & 4.38 \% & 2.61 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.04 s / & K. Shankar, M. Tjersland, J. Ma, K. Stone and M. Bajracharya: A Learned Stereo Depth System for
Robotic Manipulation in Homes. .\\
SCV & & 2.22 \% & 4.53 \% & 2.61 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.36 s / & C. Lu, H. Uchiyama, D. Thomas, A. Shimada and R. Taniguchi: Sparse Cost Volume for Efficient
Stereo Matching. Remote Sensing 2018.\\
WaveletStereo: & & 2.24 \% & 4.62 \% & 2.63 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.27 s / 1 core & Anonymous: WaveletStereo: Learning wavelet coefficients
for stereo matching. arXiv: Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition 2019.\\
RLStereo & & 2.09 \% & 5.38 \% & 2.64 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / 1 core & Anonymous: RLStereo: Real-time Stereo Matching
based on Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
International Conference on Computer Vision 2021.\\
AANet\_RVC & & 2.23 \% & 4.89 \% & 2.67 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.1 s / GPU & H. Xu and J. Zhang: AANet: Adaptive Aggregation Network for
Efficient Stereo Matching. CVPR 2020.\\
CRL & & 2.48 \% & 3.59 \% & 2.67 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.47 s / & J. Pang, W. Sun, J. Ren, C. Yang and Q. Yan: Cascade residual learning: A two-stage
convolutional neural network for stereo
matching. ICCV Workshop on Geometry Meets
Deep Learning 2017.\\
CKDNet\_1.0 & & 2.26 \% & 5.02 \% & 2.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & \\
SG\_small & & 2.29 \% & 4.95 \% & 2.73 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & \\
2D-MSNet / MSNet2D & & 2.49 \% & 4.53 \% & 2.83 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4s / & F. Shamsafar, S. Woerz, R. Rahim and A. Zell: MobileStereoNet: Towards Lightweight Deep
Networks for Stereo Matching. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter
Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2022.\\
GC-NET & & 2.21 \% & 6.16 \% & 2.87 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.9 s / & A. Kendall, H. Martirosyan, S. Dasgupta, P. Henry, R. Kennedy, A. Bachrach and A. Bry: End-to-End Learning of Geometry and Context for
Deep Stereo Regression. Proceedings of the International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV) 2017.\\
DualNet & & 2.46 \% & 5.25 \% & 2.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.17 s / 1 core & \\
RoSe & & 2.65 \% & 4.36 \% & 2.94 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.17 s / 1 core & \\
PVStereo & & 2.29 \% & 6.50 \% & 2.99 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.10 s / GPU & H. Wang, R. Fan, P. Cai and M. Liu: PVStereo: Pyramid voting module
for end-to-end self-supervised stereo matching. IEEE Robotics and Automation
Letters 2021.\\
LRCR & & 2.55 \% & 5.42 \% & 3.03 \% & 100.00 \% & 49.2 s / & Z. Jie, P. Wang, Y. Ling, B. Zhao, Y. Wei, J. Feng and W. Liu: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for
Stereo Matching. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2018.\\
CKDNet\_0.5 & & 2.35 \% & 6.70 \% & 3.07 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & \\
Fast DS-CS & & 2.83 \% & 4.31 \% & 3.08 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & K. Yee and A. Chakrabarti: Fast Deep Stereo with 2D Convolutional
Processing of Cost Signatures. WACV 2020 (to appear).\\
AdaStereo & & 2.59 \% & 5.55 \% & 3.08 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.41 s / GPU & X. Song, G. Yang, X. Zhu, H. Zhou, Z. Wang and J. Shi: AdaStereo: A Simple and Efficient
Approach for Adaptive Stereo Matching. CVPR 2021.X. Song, G. Yang, X. Zhu, H. Zhou, Y. Ma, Z. Wang and J. Shi: AdaStereo: An Efficient Domain-Adaptive
Stereo Matching Approach. IJCV 2021.\\
RecResNet & & 2.46 \% & 6.30 \% & 3.10 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / GPU & K. Batsos and P. Mordohai: RecResNet: A Recurrent Residual CNN
Architecture for Disparity Map Enhancement. In International Conference on 3D
Vision (3DV) 2018.\\
NVStereoNet & & 2.62 \% & 5.69 \% & 3.13 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.6 s / & N. Smolyanskiy, A. Kamenev and S. Birchfield: On the Importance of Stereo for Accurate
Depth Estimation: An Efficient Semi-Supervised
Deep Neural Network Approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.09719 2018.\\
DRR & & 2.58 \% & 6.04 \% & 3.16 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4 s / & S. Gidaris and N. Komodakis: Detect, Replace, Refine: Deep Structured Prediction For Pixel Wise Labeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.04770 2016.\\
DWARF & fl & 3.20 \% & 3.94 \% & 3.33 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.14s - 1.43s / & F. Aleotti, M. Poggi, F. Tosi and S. Mattoccia: Learning end-to-end scene flow by
distilling single tasks knowledge. Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20) 2020.\\
SsSMnet & & 2.70 \% & 6.92 \% & 3.40 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.8 s / & Y. Zhong, Y. Dai and H. Li: Self-Supervised Learning for Stereo
Matching with Self-Improving Ability. arXiv:1709.00930 2017.\\
L-ResMatch & & 2.72 \% & 6.95 \% & 3.42 \% & 100.00 \% & 48 s / 1 core & A. Shaked and L. Wolf: Improved Stereo Matching with Constant Highway
Networks and Reflective Loss. arXiv preprint arxiv:1701.00165 2016.\\
Displets v2 & & 3.00 \% & 5.56 \% & 3.43 \% & 100.00 \% & 265 s / >8 cores & F. Guney and A. Geiger: Displets: Resolving Stereo Ambiguities
using Object Knowledge. Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015.\\
LBPS & & 2.85 \% & 6.35 \% & 3.44 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.39 s / GPU & P. Knöbelreiter, C. Sormann, A. Shekhovtsov, F. Fraundorfer and T. Pock: Belief Propagation Reloaded: Learning
BP-Layers for Labeling Problems. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2020.\\
ACOSF & fl & 2.79 \% & 7.56 \% & 3.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 5 min / 1 core & C. Li, H. Ma and Q. Liao: Two-Stage Adaptive Object Scene Flow Using
Hybrid CNN-CRF Model. International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR) 2020.\\
CNNF+SGM & & 2.78 \% & 7.69 \% & 3.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 71 s / & F. Zhang and B. Wah: Fundamental Principles on Learning New
Features for Effective Dense Matching. IEEE Transactions on Image
Processing 2018.\\
PBCP & & 2.58 \% & 8.74 \% & 3.61 \% & 100.00 \% & 68 s / & A. Seki and M. Pollefeys: Patch Based Confidence Prediction for
Dense Disparity Map. British Machine Vision Conference
(BMVC) 2016.\\
SGM-Net & & 2.66 \% & 8.64 \% & 3.66 \% & 100.00 \% & 67 s / & A. Seki and M. Pollefeys: SGM-Nets: Semi-Global Matching With Neural
Networks. CVPR 2017.\\
CKDNet\_0.3 & & 2.84 \% & 7.77 \% & 3.66 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / 1 core & \\
SMFormer & & 2.79 \% & 8.17 \% & 3.68 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.3 s / GPU & \\
DSMNet-synthetic & & 3.11 \% & 6.72 \% & 3.71 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.6 s / 4 cores & F. Zhang, X. Qi, R. Yang, V. Prisacariu, B. Wah and P. Torr: Domain-invariant Stereo Matching
Networks. Europe Conference on Computer Vision
(ECCV) 2020.\\
CAS++ & & 3.10 \% & 6.89 \% & 3.73 \% & 99.98 \% & .1 s / GPU & ERROR: Wrong syntax in BIBTEX file.\\
HSM-Net\_RVC & & 2.74 \% & 8.73 \% & 3.74 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.97 s / GPU & G. Yang, J. Manela, M. Happold and D. Ramanan: Hierarchical deep stereo matching on
high-resolution images. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2019.\\
DualNet-one stage & & 2.89 \% & 8.73 \% & 3.86 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.17 s / 1 core & \\
MABNet\_tiny & & 3.04 \% & 8.07 \% & 3.88 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.11 s / & J. Xing, Z. Qi, J. Dong, J. Cai and H. Liu: MABNet: A Lightweight Stereo Network
Based on Multibranch Adjustable Bottleneck
Module. .\\
MC-CNN-acrt & & 2.89 \% & 8.88 \% & 3.89 \% & 100.00 \% & 67 s / & J. Zbontar and Y. LeCun: Stereo Matching by Training a Convolutional
Neural Network to Compare Image Patches. Submitted to JMLR .\\
FD-Fusion & & 3.22 \% & 7.44 \% & 3.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / 1 core & M. Ferrera, A. Boulch and J. Moras: Fast Stereo Disparity Maps Refinement By Fusion of Data-Based And Model-Based Estimations. International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2019.\\
ADCPNet & & 3.27 \% & 7.58 \% & 3.98 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.007 s / GPU & H. Dai, X. Zhang, Y. Zhao, H. Sun and N. Zheng: Adaptive Disparity Candidates Prediction
Network for Efficient Real-Time Stereo Matching. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems for Video Technology 2022.\\
Reversing-PSMNet & & 3.13 \% & 8.70 \% & 4.06 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.41 s / 1 core & F. Aleotti, F. Tosi, L. Zhang, M. Poggi and S. Mattoccia: Reversing the cycle: self-supervised deep stereo through enhanced monocular distillation. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2020.\\
ReaSMNet & & 3.47 \% & 7.20 \% & 4.09 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / GPU & \\
DGS & & 3.21 \% & 8.62 \% & 4.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.32 s / GPU & W. Chuah, R. Tennakoon, A. Bab-Hadiashar and D. Suter: Achieving Domain Robustness in Stereo
Matching Networks by Removing Shortcut Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.08486 2021.\\
PRSM & fl mv & 3.02 \% & 10.52 \% & 4.27 \% & 99.99 \% & 300 s / 1 core & C. Vogel, K. Schindler and S. Roth: 3D Scene Flow Estimation with a
Piecewise Rigid Scene Model. ijcv 2015.\\
DispNetC & & 4.32 \% & 4.41 \% & 4.34 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.06 s / & N. Mayer, E. Ilg, P. Häusser, P. Fischer, D. Cremers, A. Dosovitskiy and T. Brox: A Large Dataset to Train
Convolutional Networks for
Disparity, Optical Flow, and Scene Flow
Estimation. CVPR 2016.\\
SGM-Forest & & 3.11 \% & 10.74 \% & 4.38 \% & 99.92 \% & 6 seconds / 1 core & J. Schönberger, S. Sinha and M. Pollefeys: Learning to Fuse Proposals from Multiple Scanline Optimizations in Semi-Global Matching. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018.\\
SSF & fl & 3.55 \% & 8.75 \% & 4.42 \% & 100.00 \% & 5 min / 1 core & Z. Ren, D. Sun, J. Kautz and E. Sudderth: Cascaded Scene Flow Prediction using
Semantic Segmentation. International Conference on 3D Vision
(3DV) 2017.\\
SMV & & 3.45 \% & 9.32 \% & 4.43 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / GPU & W. Yuan, Y. Zhang, B. Wu, S. Zhu, P. Tan, M. Wang and Q. Chen: Stereo Matching by Self-
supervision of Multiscopic Vision. IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS) 2021.\\
ISF & fl & 4.12 \% & 6.17 \% & 4.46 \% & 100.00 \% & 10 min / 1 core & A. Behl, O. Jafari, S. Mustikovela, H. Alhaija, C. Rother and A. Geiger: Bounding Boxes, Segmentations and Object
Coordinates: How Important is Recognition for 3D
Scene Flow Estimation in Autonomous Driving
Scenarios?. International Conference on Computer
Vision (ICCV) 2017.\\
Content-CNN & & 3.73 \% & 8.58 \% & 4.54 \% & 100.00 \% & 1 s / & W. Luo, A. Schwing and R. Urtasun: Efficient Deep Learning for Stereo Matching. CVPR 2016.\\
SSMNet & & 3.93 \% & 7.85 \% & 4.58 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / GPU & \\
MADnet & & 3.75 \% & 9.20 \% & 4.66 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & A. Tonioni, F. Tosi, M. Poggi, S. Mattoccia and L. Di Stefano: Real-Time self-adaptive deep stereo. The IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019.\\
Self-SuperFlow-ft & fl & 3.81 \% & 8.92 \% & 4.66 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.13 s / & K. Bendig, R. Schuster and D. Stricker: Self-SuperFlow: Self-supervised Scene Flow Prediction in
Stereo Sequences. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2022.\\
Pseudo-Stereo & & 3.11 \% & 12.52 \% & 4.68 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.15 s / GPU & \\
DTF\_PWOC & fl mv & 3.91 \% & 8.57 \% & 4.68 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.38 s / & R. Schuster, C. Unger and D. Stricker: A Deep Temporal Fusion Framework for Scene Flow Using a Learnable Motion Model and Occlusions. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2021.\\
P3SNet+ & & 4.15 \% & 7.59 \% & 4.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / 1 core & A. Emlek and M. Peker: P3SNet: Parallel Pyramid Pooling Stereo
Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems 2023.\\
SAFT-Stereo & & 3.44 \% & 11.48 \% & 4.78 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.007 s / & \\
VN & & 4.29 \% & 7.65 \% & 4.85 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / GPU & P. Knöbelreiter and T. Pock: Learned Collaborative Stereo Refinement. German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR) 2019.\\
MC-CNN-WS & & 3.78 \% & 10.93 \% & 4.97 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.35 s / & S. Tulyakov, A. Ivanov and F. Fleuret: Weakly supervised learning of deep
metrics for stereo reconstruction. ICCV 2017.\\
3DMST & & 3.36 \% & 13.03 \% & 4.97 \% & 100.00 \% & 93 s / 1 core & X. Lincheng Li and L. Zhang: 3D Cost Aggregation with Multiple Minimum
Spanning Trees for Stereo Matching. submitted to Applied Optics .\\
CBMV\_ROB & & 3.55 \% & 12.09 \% & 4.97 \% & 100.00 \% & 250 s / 6 core & K. Batsos, C. Cai and P. Mordohai: CBMV: A Coalesced Bidirectional Matching
Volume for Disparity Estimation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2018.\\
OSF+TC & fl mv & 4.11 \% & 9.64 \% & 5.03 \% & 100.00 \% & 50 min / 1 core & M. Neoral and J. Šochman: Object Scene Flow with Temporal
Consistency. 22nd Computer Vision Winter
Workshop (CVWW) 2017.\\
P3SNet & & 4.40 \% & 8.28 \% & 5.05 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / GPU & A. Emlek and M. Peker: P3SNet: Parallel Pyramid Pooling Stereo
Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent
Transportation Systems 2023.\\
CBMV & & 4.17 \% & 9.53 \% & 5.06 \% & 100.00 \% & 250 s / 6 cores & K. Batsos, C. Cai and P. Mordohai: CBMV: A Coalesced Bidirectional Matching
Volume for Disparity Estimation. 2018.\\
PWOC-3D & fl & 4.19 \% & 9.82 \% & 5.13 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.13 s / & R. Saxena, R. Schuster, O. Wasenmüller and D. Stricker: PWOC-3D: Deep Occlusion-Aware End-to-End Scene Flow Estimation. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2019.\\
StereoVAE & & 4.25 \% & 10.18 \% & 5.23 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.03 s / & Q. Chang, X. Li, X. Xu, X. Liu, Y. Li and J. Miyazaki: StereoVAE: A lightweight stereo matching
system using embedded GPUs. International Conference on Robotics
and Automation 2023.\\
OSF 2018 & fl & 4.11 \% & 11.12 \% & 5.28 \% & 100.00 \% & 390 s / 1 core & M. Menze, C. Heipke and A. Geiger: Object Scene Flow. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JPRS) 2018.\\
SPS-St & & 3.84 \% & 12.67 \% & 5.31 \% & 100.00 \% & 2 s / 1 core & K. Yamaguchi, D. McAllester and R. Urtasun: Efficient Joint Segmentation, Occlusion Labeling,
Stereo and Flow Estimation. ECCV 2014.\\
MDP & st & 4.19 \% & 11.25 \% & 5.36 \% & 100.00 \% & 11.4 s / 4 cores & A. Li, D. Chen, Y. Liu and Z. Yuan: Coordinating Multiple Disparity Proposals for Stereo Computation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2016.\\
PUI-Stereo & & 3.62 \% & 14.24 \% & 5.39 \% & 99.99 \% & 0.33 s / GPU & \\
UFD-PRiME & st fl & 3.66 \% & 15.05 \% & 5.55 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.55 s / GPU & \\
SFF++ & fl mv & 4.27 \% & 12.38 \% & 5.62 \% & 100.00 \% & 78 s / 4 cores & R. Schuster, O. Wasenmüller, C. Unger, G. Kuschk and D. Stricker: SceneFlowFields++: Multi-frame Matching, Visibility Prediction, and Robust Interpolation for Scene Flow Estimation. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) 2019.\\
TinyStereo & & 4.99 \% & 9.33 \% & 5.71 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / & Q. Chang, X. Xu, A. Zha, M. Er, Y. Sun and Y. Li: TinyStereo: A Tiny Coarse-to-Fine
Framework for Vision-Based Depth Estimation on
Embedded GPUs. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics: Systems 2024.\\
OSF & fl & 4.54 \% & 12.03 \% & 5.79 \% & 100.00 \% & 50 min / 1 core & M. Menze and A. Geiger: Object Scene Flow for Autonomous Vehicles. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015.\\
StereoNet\_unsup\_DMB & & 4.68 \% & 12.06 \% & 5.91 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 min / GPU & \\
CFNet\_unsup\_DMB & & 4.64 \% & 12.33 \% & 5.92 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & \\
pSGM & & 4.84 \% & 11.64 \% & 5.97 \% & 100.00 \% & 7.77 s / 4 cores & Y. Lee, M. Park, Y. Hwang, Y. Shin and C. Kyung: Memory-Efficient Parametric Semiglobal
Matching. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2018.\\
CSF & fl & 4.57 \% & 13.04 \% & 5.98 \% & 99.99 \% & 80 s / 1 core & Z. Lv, C. Beall, P. Alcantarilla, F. Li, Z. Kira and F. Dellaert: A Continuous Optimization Approach for
Efficient and Accurate Scene Flow. European Conf. on Computer Vision
(ECCV) 2016.\\
MBM & & 4.69 \% & 13.05 \% & 6.08 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.13 s / 1 core & N. Einecke and J. Eggert: A Multi-Block-Matching Approach for Stereo. IV 2015.\\
CRD-Fusion & & 4.59 \% & 13.68 \% & 6.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & X. Fan, S. Jeon and B. Fidan: Occlusion-Aware Self-Supervised Stereo
Matching with Confidence Guided Raw Disparity
Fusion. Conference on Robots and Vision 2022.\\
PR-Sceneflow & fl & 4.74 \% & 13.74 \% & 6.24 \% & 100.00 \% & 150 s / 4 core & C. Vogel, K. Schindler and S. Roth: Piecewise Rigid Scene Flow. ICCV 2013.\\
DispSegNet & & 4.20 \% & 16.97 \% & 6.33 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.9 s / GPU & J. Zhang, K. Skinner, R. Vasudevan and M. Johnson-Roberson: DispSegNet: Leveraging Semantics for End-
to-End Learning of Disparity Estimation From
Stereo Imagery. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2019.\\
DeepCostAggr & & 5.34 \% & 11.35 \% & 6.34 \% & 99.98 \% & 0.03 s / GPU & A. Kuzmin, D. Mikushin and V. Lempitsky: End-to-end Learning of Cost-Volume Aggregation
Real-time Dense Stereo. 2017 IEEE 27th International Workshop on
Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) 2017.\\
SGM\_RVC & & 5.06 \% & 13.00 \% & 6.38 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.11 s / & H. Hirschm\"uller: Stereo Processing by Semi-Global
Matching and Mutual Information. IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2008.\\
UHP & & 5.00 \% & 13.70 \% & 6.45 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & R. Yang, X. Li, R. Cong and J. Du: Unsupervised Hierarchical Iterative Tile
Refinement Network with 3D Planar Segmentation
Loss. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2024.\\
SSpsm & & 5.00 \% & 13.90 \% & 6.48 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.8 s / GPU & \\
SceneFFields & fl & 5.12 \% & 13.83 \% & 6.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 65 s / 4 cores & R. Schuster, O. Wasenmüller, G. Kuschk, C. Bailer and D. Stricker: SceneFlowFields: Dense Interpolation of Sparse Scene Flow Correspondences. IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2018.\\
SPS+FF++ & fl & 5.47 \% & 12.19 \% & 6.59 \% & 100.00 \% & 36 s / 1 core & R. Schuster, O. Wasenmüller and D. Stricker: Dense Scene Flow from Stereo Disparity and Optical Flow. ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS) 2018.\\
Flow2Stereo & & 5.01 \% & 14.62 \% & 6.61 \% & 99.97 \% & 0.05 s / GPU & P. Liu, I. King, M. Lyu and J. Xu: Flow2Stereo: Effective Self-Supervised
Learning of Optical Flow and Stereo Matching. CVPR 2020.\\
SPSMnet & & 5.42 \% & 12.84 \% & 6.65 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.8 s / GPU & \\
PASMnet\_DMB & & 5.24 \% & 13.96 \% & 6.69 \% & 100.00 \% & 10 s / 1 core & \\
FSF+MS & fl ms mv & 5.72 \% & 11.84 \% & 6.74 \% & 100.00 \% & 2.7 s / 4 cores & T. Taniai, S. Sinha and Y. Sato: Fast Multi-frame Stereo Scene Flow
with Motion Segmentation. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2017) 2017.\\
AABM & & 4.88 \% & 16.07 \% & 6.74 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.08 s / 1 core & N. Einecke and J. Eggert: Stereo Image Warping for Improved Depth Estimation of Road Surfaces. IV 2013.\\
SGM+C+NL & fl & 5.15 \% & 15.29 \% & 6.84 \% & 100.00 \% & 4.5 min / 1 core & H. Hirschmüller: Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information. PAMI 2008.D. Sun, S. Roth and M. Black: A Quantitative Analysis of Current Practices in Optical Flow Estimation and the Principles Behind Them. IJCV 2013.\\
SGM+LDOF & fl & 5.15 \% & 15.29 \% & 6.84 \% & 100.00 \% & 86 s / 1 core & H. Hirschmüller: Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching and Mutual Information. PAMI 2008.T. Brox and J. Malik: Large Displacement Optical Flow: Descriptor Matching in Variational Motion Estimation. PAMI 2011.\\
SGM+SF & fl & 5.15 \% & 15.29 \% & 6.84 \% & 100.00 \% & 45 min / 16 core & H. Hirschmüller: Stereo Processing by Semiglobal Matching
and Mutual Information. PAMI 2008.M. Hornacek, A. Fitzgibbon and C. Rother: SphereFlow: 6
DoF Scene Flow from RGB-D Pairs. CVPR 2014.\\
SNCC & & 5.36 \% & 16.05 \% & 7.14 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.08 s / 1 core & N. Einecke and J. Eggert: A Two-Stage Correlation Method for Stereoscopic Depth Estimation. DICTA 2010.\\
Permutation Stereo & & 5.53 \% & 15.47 \% & 7.18 \% & 99.93 \% & 30 s / GPU & P. Brousseau and S. Roy: A Permutation Model for the Self-
Supervised Stereo Matching Problem. 2022 19th Conference on Robots and
Vision (CRV) 2022.\\
PASMnet & & 5.41 \% & 16.36 \% & 7.23 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.5 s / GPU & L. Wang, Y. Guo, Y. Wang, Z. Liang, Z. Lin, J. Yang and W. An: Parallax Attention for
Stereo Correspondence Learning. IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence(T-PAMI) 2020.\\
AAFS & & 6.27 \% & 13.95 \% & 7.54 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.01 s / 1 core & J. Chang, P. Chang and Y. Chen: Attention-Aware Feature Aggregation for
Real-time Stereo Matching on Edge Devices. Proceedings of the Asian Conference
on Computer Vision 2020.\\
Z2ZNCC & & 6.55 \% & 13.19 \% & 7.65 \% & 99.93 \% & 0.035s / Jetson TX2 GPU & Q. Chang, A. Zha, W. Wang, X. Liu, M. Onishi, L. Lei, M. Er and T. Maruyama: Efficient stereo matching on embedded
GPUs with zero-means cross correlation. Journal of Systems Architecture 2022.\\
ReS2tAC & st & 6.27 \% & 16.07 \% & 7.90 \% & 86.03 \% & 0.06 s / Jetson AGX GPU & B. Ruf, J. Mohrs, M. Weinmann, S. Hinz and J. Beyerer: ReS2tAC - UAV-Borne Real-Time
SGM Stereo Optimized for Embedded ARM and
CUDA Devices. Sensors 2021.\\
Self-SuperFlow & fl & 5.78 \% & 19.76 \% & 8.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.13 s / & K. Bendig, R. Schuster and D. Stricker: Self-SuperFlow: Self-supervised Scene Flow Prediction in
Stereo Sequences. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2022.\\
CSCT+SGM+MF & & 6.91 \% & 14.87 \% & 8.24 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.0064 s / Nvidia GTX Titan X & D. Hernandez-Juarez, A. Chacon, A. Espinosa, D. Vazquez, J. Moure and A. Lopez: Embedded real-time stereo estimation via Semi-Global Matching on the GPU. Procedia Computer Science 2016.\\
MBMGPU & & 6.61 \% & 16.70 \% & 8.29 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.0019 s / GPU & Q. Chang and T. Maruyama: Real-Time Stereo Vision System:
A Multi-Block Matching on GPU. IEEE Access 2018.\\
MeshStereo & & 5.82 \% & 21.21 \% & 8.38 \% & 100.00 \% & 87 s / 1 core & C. Zhang, Z. Li, Y. Cheng, R. Cai, H. Chao and Y. Rui: MeshStereo: A Global Stereo Model With
Mesh Alignment Regularization for View
Interpolation. The IEEE International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV) 2015.\\
PCOF + ACTF & fl & 6.31 \% & 19.24 \% & 8.46 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.08 s / GPU & M. Derome, A. Plyer, M. Sanfourche and G. Le Besnerais: A Prediction-Correction Approach for Real-Time Optical Flow Computation Using Stereo. German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2016.\\
PCOF-LDOF & fl & 6.31 \% & 19.24 \% & 8.46 \% & 100.00 \% & 50 s / 1 core & M. Derome, A. Plyer, M. Sanfourche and G. Le Besnerais: A Prediction-Correction Approach for Real-Time Optical Flow Computation Using Stereo. German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2016.\\
OASM-Net & & 6.89 \% & 19.42 \% & 8.98 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.73 s / GPU & A. Li and Z. Yuan: Occlusion Aware Stereo Matching via Cooperative Unsupervised Learning. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2018.\\
StereoNet\_unsup & & 7.31 \% & 17.77 \% & 9.05 \% & 99.96 \% & 0.02 s / GPU & \\
CFNet\_Sup & & 7.22 \% & 18.54 \% & 9.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.05 s / GPU & \\
SGM-DMB & & 7.96 \% & 16.68 \% & 9.41 \% & 99.98 \% & 10 s / GPU & \\
ELAS\_RVC & & 7.38 \% & 21.15 \% & 9.67 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.19 s / 4 cores & A. Geiger, M. Roser and R. Urtasun: Efficient Large-Scale Stereo Matching. ACCV 2010.\\
EMR-MSF & fl & 8.61 \% & 15.15 \% & 9.70 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.25 s / GPU & Z. Jiang and M. Okutomi: EMR-MSF: Self-Supervised Recurrent
Monocular Scene Flow Exploiting Ego-Motion
Rigidity. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF
International Conference on Computer Vision 2023.\\
ELAS & & 7.86 \% & 19.04 \% & 9.72 \% & 92.35 \% & 0.3 s / 1 core & A. Geiger, M. Roser and R. Urtasun: Efficient Large-Scale Stereo Matching. ACCV 2010.\\
REAF & & 8.43 \% & 18.51 \% & 10.11 \% & 100.00 \% & 1.1 s / 1 core & C. Cigla: Recursive Edge-Aware Filters for Stereo Matching. The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops 2015.\\
iGF & mv & 8.64 \% & 21.85 \% & 10.84 \% & 100.00 \% & 220 s / 1 core & R. Hamzah, H. Ibrahim and A. Hassan: Stereo matching algorithm based on per pixel difference adjustment, iterative guided filter and graph segmentation. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 2016.\\
OCV-SGBM & & 8.92 \% & 20.59 \% & 10.86 \% & 90.41 \% & 1.1 s / 1 core & H. Hirschmueller: Stereo processing by semiglobal matching
and mutual information. PAMI 2008.\\
SGM & & 8.95 \% & 20.55 \% & 10.88 \% & 99.77 \% & 10 s / 1 core & \\
TW-SMNet & & 11.92 \% & 12.16 \% & 11.96 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.7 s / GPU & M. El-Khamy, H. Ren, X. Du and J. Lee: TW-SMNet: Deep Multitask Learning of Tele-Wide Stereo Matching. arXiv:1906.04463 2019.\\
SDM & & 9.41 \% & 24.75 \% & 11.96 \% & 62.56 \% & 1 min / 1 core & J. Kostkova: Stratified dense matching for stereopsis
in complex scenes. BMVC 2003.\\
SGM&FlowFie+ & fl & 11.93 \% & 20.57 \% & 13.37 \% & 81.24 \% & 29 s / 1 core & R. Schuster, C. Bailer, O. Wasenmüller and D. Stricker: Combining Stereo Disparity and Optical Flow for Basic Scene Flow. Commercial Vehicle Technology Symposium (CVTS) 2018.\\
GCSF & fl & 11.64 \% & 27.11 \% & 14.21 \% & 100.00 \% & 2.4 s / 1 core & J. Cech, J. Sanchez-Riera and R. Horaud: Scene Flow Estimation by growing Correspondence Seeds. CVPR 2011.\\
3DG-DVO & fl & 14.12 \% & 18.68 \% & 14.88 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.04 s / GPU & \\
MT-TW-SMNet & & 15.47 \% & 16.25 \% & 15.60 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.4s / GPU & M. El-Khamy, X. Du, H. Ren and J. Lee: Multi-Task Learning of Depth from Tele and Wide Stereo Image Pairs. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Image Processing 2019.\\
Mono-SF & fl & 14.21 \% & 26.94 \% & 16.32 \% & 100.00 \% & 41 s / 1 core & F. Brickwedde, S. Abraham and R. Mester: Mono-SF: Multi-View Geometry meets Single-View Depth for Monocular Scene Flow Estimation of Dynamic Traffic Scenes. Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019.\\
CostFilter & & 17.53 \% & 22.88 \% & 18.42 \% & 100.00 \% & 4 min / 1 core & C. Rhemann, A. Hosni, M. Bleyer, C. Rother and M. Gelautz: Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual
Correspondence and Beyond. CVPR 2011.\\
MonoComb & fl & 17.89 \% & 21.16 \% & 18.44 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.58 s / & R. Schuster, C. Unger and D. Stricker: MonoComb: A Sparse-to-Dense Combination Approach for Monocular Scene Flow. ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS) 2020.\\
DWBSF & fl & 19.61 \% & 22.69 \% & 20.12 \% & 100.00 \% & 7 min / 4 cores & C. Richardt, H. Kim, L. Valgaerts and C. Theobalt: Dense Wide-Baseline Scene Flow
From Two Handheld Video Cameras. 3DV 2016.\\
monoResMatch & & 22.10 \% & 19.81 \% & 21.72 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.16 s / & F. Tosi, F. Aleotti, M. Poggi and S. Mattoccia: Learning monocular depth estimation
infusing traditional stereo knowledge. The IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019.\\
Self-Mono-SF-ft & fl & 20.72 \% & 29.41 \% & 22.16 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.09 s / & J. Hur and S. Roth: Self-Supervised Monocular Scene
Flow Estimation. CVPR 2020.\\
Multi-Mono-SF-ft & fl mv & 21.60 \% & 28.22 \% & 22.71 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.06 s / & J. Hur and S. Roth: Self-Supervised Multi-Frame
Monocular Scene Flow. CVPR 2021.\\
OCV-BM & & 24.29 \% & 30.13 \% & 25.27 \% & 58.54 \% & 0.1 s / 1 core & G. Bradski: The OpenCV Library. Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools 2000.\\
VSF & fl & 27.31 \% & 21.72 \% & 26.38 \% & 100.00 \% & 125 min / 1 core & F. Huguet and F. Devernay: A Variational Method for Scene Flow Estimation from Stereo Sequences. ICCV 2007.\\
SED & & 25.01 \% & 40.43 \% & 27.58 \% & 4.02 \% & 0.68 s / 1 core & D. Pe\~{n}a and A. Sutherland: Disparity Estimation by Simultaneous Edge Drawing. Computer Vision -- ACCV 2016 Workshops: ACCV 2016 International Workshops, Taipei, Taiwan, November 20-24, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, Part II 2017.\\
Multi-Mono-SF & fl mv & 27.48 \% & 47.30 \% & 30.78 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.06 s / & J. Hur and S. Roth: Self-Supervised Multi-Frame
Monocular Scene Flow. CVPR 2021.\\
mts1 & & 28.03 \% & 46.55 \% & 31.11 \% & 2.52 \% & 0.18 s / 4 cores & R. Brandt, N. Strisciuglio, N. Petkov and M. Wilkinson: Efficient binocular stereo
correspondence matching with 1-D Max-Trees. Pattern Recognition Letters 2020.\\
Self-Mono-SF & fl & 31.22 \% & 48.04 \% & 34.02 \% & 100.00 \% & 0.09 s / & J. Hur and S. Roth: Self-Supervised Monocular Scene
Flow Estimation. CVPR 2020.\\
MST & & 45.83 \% & 38.22 \% & 44.57 \% & 100.00 \% & 7 s / 1 core & Q. Yang: A Non-Local Cost Aggregation Method
for Stereo Matching. CVPR 2012.\\
Stereo-RSSF & fl & 56.60 \% & 73.05 \% & 59.34 \% & 9.26 \% & 2.5 s / 8 core & E. Salehi, A. Aghagolzadeh and R. Hosseini: Stereo-RSSF: stereo robust sparse scene-flow estimation. The Visual Computer 2023.